FECBOP quality audits demonstrate a positive dynamic in the Region of Piemonte
From 8th to 10th of April 2024, FECBOP carried out 3 audits for the renewal of the quality label "Qualité Europe Bilan de Compétences" in three organisation, founding members of the FECBOP: CIOFS, ENGIM and EnAIP. These audits demonstrate a very dynamic development on the regional level in the field [...]
General Assembly 2022
The General Assembly of the FECBOP was held on 29/09/2023. During the speakers' corner, the following presentations were held: Bilan de compétences / Counselling for professional evolution : Support systems for just transitions. At the crossroads of issues of social justice and the evolution of organizations. Philippe Cottet, FN CIBC [...]
General Assembly 2019
The 2019 General Assembly was held in Paris on June 19, 2019. FECBOP has members in 11 countries. 6 quality audits were carried out in 2018. The bilan de compétences activity continues in several countries of central and eastern Europe, notably in Slovakia (public employment services project: 30,000 BdCs carried [...]
Bilan de compétences in Europe – Slovakia
The methodology of the bilan de compétences was first transferred to Slovakia through a Leonardo da Vinci project in 2013 - 2015. During this project, the methodology was adapted to the specifics of the slovak labour market and was successfully tested in several regions. During a pilot project in 2015, [...]
General Assembly 2018
The General Assembly was held on June 29, 2018 in Milan. The members present or represented of the General Assembly approved the appointment of new Italian auditors. The General Assembly is followed by a Conference by Mr. Bruno LEBRUN, lawyer, on the theme of the new European Data Protection Regulation [...]
General Assembly 2017
The General Assembly was held on June 16, 2017 in Bratislava. Mr. Jacques HOFMANS, President of FECBOP presented the 2016 moral and activity report, which focused on solidifying the new organizational structure of FECBOP: Gradual transfer from Chalon-sur-Saône to Vichy (FECBOP headquarters): Schany Taix has recovered the material elements from [...]
General Assembly 2016
The 2016 General Assembly took place on September 30, 2016 in Paris. The GA was opened at 9:00 a.m. The European training course in the skills assessment methodology was presented to the members of the GA. An additional GA was held on February 22, 2017. Jacques Hofmans was elected president [...]
General Assembly 2015
FECBOP General Assembly was held on the 9th of October 2015 in Bratislava. The general anniversary with a very strong attendance was an opportunity to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the FECBOP. The president, Paolo Serrerri pointed out the successes that were achieved thanks to the common work of the [...]
General Assembly 2014
FECBOP General Assembly was held in Paris the 4/5 September. Among other things, new partners from Central and Eastern Europe (Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria) were present for the first time, pointing the attention of the Federation towards the challenges of this region, namely towards Roma people and other heavily disadvantaged [...]
Message of our president 2013
Message pronounced at the occasion of the General Assembly in Prague, 2013, by Paolino Serreri, the newly elected president of the FECBOP. "Thank you for the confidence you have placed in me by electing me president of the FECBOP. I want to convey a particular and affectionate thanks to Jean-Pierre [...]
General Assembly 2007
On 25 May 2007, FECBOP met in Rome (Italy). The Ergomathisi (Greece) joined us during the General Assembly. There are now 14 representatives (with the French network of 72 CIBC) and seven partner countries. The involvement of the FECBOP with Leonardo project QUELO will enable the transnational partnership to reflect on the quality [...]
Official training for bilan de compétences counsellors
The FECBOP provides official training for the provision of the bilan de compétences. The training is provided to professionals in career guidance who wish to develop their practice or specialize in the field of bilan de compétences. At the end of the learning process, the beneficiary of the training [...]