Bilan de compétences in Europe – Slovakia
The methodology of the bilan de compétences was first transferred to Slovakia through a Leonardo da Vinci project in 2013 – 2015. During this project, the methodology was adapted to the specifics of the slovak labour market and was successfully tested in several regions. During a pilot project in 2015, the bilan de compétences was provided to 1000 job seekers in economically underdeveloped regions. In 2018, Slovak public employment services started an ESF funded project that results in roughly 6 000 bilan de compétences provided to long-term unemployed every year.
Bilan de compétences in Europe – Belgium
Since its creation in 1923, the Laboratoire d’Ergologie appliquée has always worked in the field of adult guidance. Attached to the time at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Belgium (Free University of Brussels), he was the first Belgian organisation to create a structure training guidance counsellor and was a pioneer in the field of industrial psychology and psychometrics. His research at that time found many applications in the industrial sector in Europe.
Today, the Laboratory practice the French methodology of bilan de compétences similar to the one provided by the French CIBCs, […]
Bilan de compétences in Europe – Czech republic
The bilan de compétences provision in the Czech republic is based on the French model, however, it is adapted to the circumstances in the Czech Republic and presented under the name of bilanční diagnostika, which is for now used almost exclusively in public employment services.
The method implementation in the public employment services is based on the Czech Government Resolution No. 418 on the National Employment Plan dated on 5th May 1999. It says: “Establishing a unified nationwide network of bilan de compétences centres to ensure optimal accord of requirements on […]
Bilan de compétences in Europe – France
Le bilan de compétences est né en France dans le contexte plus large de la formation professionnelle et du dialogue avec les partenaires sociaux. Après des premières restructurations dans le domaine de la sidérurgie, la notion de la formation continue est formalisée par une série des lois au début des années 1970. Une politique d’emploi prend désormais en charge l’acquisition de compétences et leur maintien tout au long de la vie professionnelle.
L’approche est née de la volonté des partenaires sociaux de construire un dispositif cohérent qui permettrait aux organisations et aux salariés en particulier de faire le […]
Bilan de compétences in Europe – Italy
Since the middle of the 90’s there were several testing about Bilan de compétence (BdC) in Italy . The purpose was to develop good practices in adult vocational guidance experienced in France and create methodologies useful to empower workers in professional projects in line with their ambitions and the socio – economic environment. The absence of regulations about BdC and more widely about adult vocational guidance and long life learning lead to many different approaches in terms of methodology, pedagogical tools and even about the competence concept. For this reason there were offers in […]
Bilan de compétences in Europe – Germany
Im Bildungsinstitut PSCHERER gGmbH werden seit 1998 Kompetenzbilanzen im Rahmen verschiedenster Maßnahmen und Projekte durchgeführt. Die Dienstleistung Kompetenzbilanz kann von den unterschiedlichsten Personen in Anspruch genommen werden. Sie macht Aussagen zu denkbaren beruflichen Entwicklungen in Abhängigkeit der vorhandenen persönlichen Potentiale und den zu beachtenden Rahmenbedingungen wie z. B. Anforderungen und Trends am Arbeitsmarkt. Somit ist die Kompetenzbilanz gleichermaßen in Betrieben, Verwaltungen und anderen Einrichtungen zur zielgerichteten Personalarbeit und Personalentwicklung geeignet.
Bildungsinstitut PSCHERER gGmbH ist die einzige nach den Qualitätskriterien der Französischen Föderation der Kompetenzbilanzzentren […]