The General Assembly also officially confirment the enlargement of the FECBOP to Eastern Europe – after Slovakia, the Czech republic is joining the FECBOP with a new member – the Czech national association of the Bilan de compétences (, which regroups more than 80 professionals and companies from the field of the career guidance. The cooperation the FECBOP develops in Eastern and Central Europe shows the growing interest of public and private sector for the guidance services that follow the common quality assurance pathway of the bilan de compétences methodology.



AG Prague 2013 3

Presentation of the results of the cooperation between the FECBOP and Czech employment services.

The Czech experience shows, that the FECBOP is more than capable of providing assistence in transferring the methodology and quality assurance system to the national contexts of these countries. The members of the FECBOP also elected a new president – Paolo Serreri from the Laboratorio di Bilancio di competenze of the Roma Tre University.

 AG Prague 2013 2Paolo Serreri, the new president of the FECBOP.


Participants from Italy, Germany, France and Belgium presented examples of the best practices of the bilan de compétences from their countries. Different uses of the methodology were demonstrated:

  • T. Zimmer (BIP Germany) – Kompass – Competence Balance – An innovative instrument for career planning and increasing the employability of Roma population
  • J. Hofmans (LEA Belgium) – Bilan de compétences and business creators – The B-plan Project
  • S. Rochet (CIBC Bourgogne Sud France) – Bilan de compétences inter-generation
  • R. Cozzani (ENAIP Italy) – Bilan de compétences and professional reconversion
  • V. Teli (CIOFS Italy) – E-portofolio
  • P. Serreri (CRES Italy) – Bilan de compétences and lifelong learning
  • M. Cecchin, C. Blankaert, S. Rochet – National guidance networks – Situation in Italy and France


AG Prague 2013 1Serge Rochet (France) presenting some inovative use cases for the bilan de compétences methodology.


For more informations about the project: Bilan de compétence for jobseekers in Czech repbublic