BKS Úspech a and members of the European federation of career guidance and bilan de compétences would like to invite you to conference “Bilan de compétences for career development” that will be held in Bratislava the 28th November 2013. This conference marks the beginning of a new project in which the members of the FECBOP will transfer the bilan de compétences methodology to slovak public employment services in collaboration with the Slovak Central Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family.



13:00    Official opening (Branislav Ondruš, state secretary of the Ministry of labour, SR)

Introduction of the transfer of innovation project (Pavol Kmeť, BKS Úspech)

13:30    Career counselling in the context of flexicurity (Serge Rochet, FECBOP, FR)

14:00    Coffee break

14:15    Bilan de compétences – principles, tools and outcomes (Timo Zimmer, Bildunginstitut Pscherer, DE)

14:45    Career counselling and the Czech system of „bilančnídiagnostika” (Zuzana Freibergová, NVF, CZ)

15:10    Career counselling in Slovak employment services(Helena Furindová, Central Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family, SK)

15:30    Discussion and conclusion


Contact and registration: www.bilanciakompetencii.sk.