The bilan de compétences provision in the Czech republic is based on the French model, however, it is adapted to the circumstances in the Czech Republic and presented under the name of bilanční diagnostika, which is for now used almost exclusively in public employment services.
The method implementation in the public employment services is based on the Czech Government Resolution No. 418 on the National Employment Plan dated on 5th May 1999. It says: “Establishing a unified nationwide network of bilan de compétences centres to ensure optimal accord of requirements on an individual as a man power and their potentials.”
The first concept of the Czech work methodology for the Bilan de compétences Centres was drafted by Josef Opočenský together with Jiří Král in autumn 1999 under the title of “Methodology for Centres of bilan de compétences.” The authors primarily based their work on the experience of French experts. The network of bilan de compétences centres was established in 2000 by the Employment Services Administration of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. The networks consisted of one source and one support site in each NUTS 2 region; accordingly, a total of 15 Methodological Centres have been established. At the same time, to ensure the network functionality a work group was appointed in Employment Services Administration of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.
The aforementioned Notice included another important piece of information saying that “… the bilan de compétences services may be provided by Labour Offices as well as external companies which, however, need to meet the basic conditions stipulated…”
The main tasks of the Methodological Centre included:
– Continuous verification of Methodology of Bilan de Compétences used;
– Supervisory activities when interpreting the diagnostic techniques of the catchment area;
– Drafting and verifying of new methods applied;
– Professional assistance to the bilan de compétences centres of the Labour Offices within the catchment area;
– Assistance in the preparation of agreements concluded between the Labour Offices and external providers of bilan de compétences services, including the supervision of their content;
– Information service for bilan de compétences centres;
– Supervision over particular technical outcomes of activities performed by external providers of the bilan de compétences services for the needs of Labour Offices; and
– Continuous monitoring of professional readiness of employees providing the bilan de compétences services at the bilan de compétences centres of Labour Offices in the catchment areas.
The document contained the characteristics of 5 different groups of clients including “long-term unemployed clients; clients with various types of medical handicaps; clients with special retraining needs, employees selected for the most suitable positions and clients in need of help when planning their professional career.” It described the particular procedures specific for the bilan de compétences in each of the client groups.
The Methodology further stipulated that the outcome of the bilan de compétences activity should primarily include the Final Report (assessment and recommendations on further actions). With client’s consent, the entire report should be presented to the requester of the Bilan de compétences services (a recruiter, Labour Office advisor or employer) and, at all times, to the client as well. The reports should be filed and archived for the purpose of subsequent client guidance while guaranteeing protection of personal data confidentiality against unauthorized parties.
Among other bilan de compétences outcomes, the document listed the Individual Action Plan, i.e. “schedule of required progressive steps (intermediate goals) client’s activities creating conditions for re-entering the labour market” and the documents for assessing successfulness of the bilan de compétences centre (for evaluating the services provided).
In 2002, a register of external bilan de compétences providers was started. The register list was administered by the Employment Services Administration of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs which, following the verification of requirements for the providers (education, work experience, equipment), issued a license for performing the bilan de compétences Services for the Labour Offices (so-called Registration Sheet).
The numbers of trained psychologists, both external as well as internal, have continuously grown. In 2005, a total of 31 external providers and 34 psychologists working at the Labour Offices were on records. By 2009, the number of external providers rose to 54. However, the number of psychologists registered was somewhat higher as some of the organizations had several expert supervisors. That way, together with the Labour Office psychologists, they provided coverage for most of the districts in the Czech Republic.
The innovated Methodology newly contained a brief description of the actual activity upon providing the bilan de compétences, including the following details:
– Information entry stage;
– Data collection;
– Individual interview;
– Creating a strategy; and
– Final individual interview.
The recommended time allocated to working with the client is 16 hours + 2-4 hours for interpretation and writing the report for the Labour Office. The recommended scope of group work was 10 hours. The client-owned Final Report further continued to represent the outcome of the bilan de compétences. The Labour Office receives a shorter version with recommendations by which both, the client as well as the counsellor, should abide. The Charter of Quality, being a complex of criteria meeting of which may be a subject to inspection, also forms a part of the Methodology.