‘QUELO’ – The European Vocational Guidance Project was a transnational project financed by the European Union’s Leonardo da Vinci Programme. The goal of Quelo is to improve, at a European level, the tools and instruments used to assess the quality of the current techniques and structures for providing vocational guidance.
QUELO’s Goals:
- update and instigate the best practices used in the ”Qualitè Europe bilan de competences” assessment so that they conform better to the new operational/territorial situations;
- identify a system to assess and certify, at a European level, the quality of specific vocational guidance systems;
- create a European network which deals with and studies the quality of vocational guidance and which continues to function after this project has come to an end.
15 organisations from different European countries have participated in this project including: Italy, France, Portugal, Greece, Spain, Belgium, Lithuania, Germany, Holland. Due to the varying conditions in the employment and training sector and European networks, each of the organisations had a different set up in order to better meet the local requirements.
QUELO’s products:
- A research on employment laws, training, labour market and guidance, in the partners countries
- An handbook on the process of certification of quality on individual guidance practices.
- A CD of the material elaborated in the frame of the project
For more information, please visit http://www.euroreso.eu/index.php/projects/9-sin-categoria/81-quelo