On 21st and 22nd May 2015 project partners from France, Belgium, Italy, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Germany got together in a scheduled workshop in Rome, Italy. The meeting focused the curriculum of the training for Competence Counsellors and thereby the preparation of the first testing in June. Jacques Hofmans (Laboratoire d‘Ergologie appliquée, Belgium) explained in detail each of the 5 modules after he has given an overview of the curriculum. All partners agreed in the particular importance of the fundamental pedagogic aspects on the BdC (Module 2).
Therefore these aspects should intensively imparted and applied by the participants during the training. Furthermore the selection criteria for the participants on the future training (Module 1) were intensively discussed.
Besides the determination of strict access conditions (f. e. necessary final degrees and work experience) it is about recording the motivation of the candidates on the participation in training because this informations will have considerable influence on the training’s design. That’s why a motivational letter will be used, edited by each participant at the beginning. It still has to be developed yet.
For the first practical testing of Module 3 “Technical Training” clear responsibilities for the separate components were fixed. The importance of Module 4 “Support and Monitoring” was highlighted, especially according to ensure the learning processes taken place during the training as well as concerning the quality assurance of the total BdC. Actually Module 5 „Certification and subsequent Monitoring” has a number of unresolved issues. Certainly each participant will receive a certificate, but which facts the certificate will include, by whom it is issued and what about the validity? At this point further consideration and discussion is needed.
All in all we have a draft of a curriculum, which we want to test together within the framework of a Blended Mobilityduring the period from 8th to 12th June 2015 near Prague.
Our transnational meeting was completed by the following issues:
- The design of our Website,
- the final consideration of our revised quality criteria, which will be presented for approval to the General Meeting in autumn of 2015,
- presenting first results of the internal evaluation,
- the discussion of aspects on the project’s documentation and settlement.