• Organization of 2 international seminars with the participation of European experts in career guidance and bilan de compétences, during which new trends, methods and practices will be presented and experience in providing in various European countries will be exchanged.
  • Organization of 5 workshops with international participation to exchange and transfer information about the theoretical basis of career guidance and assessment, the interactive techniques and examples of good practice.
  • Review and innovation of the Czech system of bilan de compétences and guidance in accordance with current European trends.
  • Developpement of the quality assurance and certification methods in the Czech system.
  • Update of the manuals of the Czech career assessment and guidance system guidance, the supervision system, a modular training program and it’s pilot testing.
  • Establishment of an Association of Czech career assessment and guidance providers with ambition of quality assessment and assurance.

Target group
The target group consists of psychologists working in labour offices and cooperating institutions providing career assessment and guidance to unemployed as well as those who have the responsibility of providing advisory services in public employment services.


For more information, please see http://www.nvf.cz/bilancni-diagnostika